Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A New Dawn, A New Day

Since I am entering a new phase of my life, I have decided to update and reinvent my blog. Previously, and sporadically, I had used this space to chronicle my Korean adventures. Now, I will use it to record my decent into the murky world of the law or, as my law school friends would put it, my decent into madness.

When I solicited advice from my friends who were in or had recently been through law school, I expected to receive a list of text books and scholarly materials that I should study and familiarize myself with before classes started in the fall. Instead, the advice I received concerning enrolling in law school was both simple and short: don't.

To be fair, this advice contained many qualifiers. The upshot of which was as simple as the qualifiers were numerous: unless you really want to. My friends, in their tender love of my person and sanity, wanted to ensure that I was not going to law school simply because it was there or because I did not know what else to do.

Having assured them that I would not be dissuaded, I pressed them again for how best to prepare for law school. Again, I got a short reply: don't. There were some helpful suggestions. One of my friends suggested that I seek therapy. This advice was very useful, as it allowed me to kill two birds with one stone. I can both preempt the nervous breakdown that, my friend assures me, is in my near future and attempt to understand why I would want to sign myself up for an experience that is going to cause a nervous breakdown.

To my surprise, the professors I asked for advice also told me to do nothing to prepare for law school. Most were emphatic that I would only do great harm to myself if I tried to get ahead by studying before classes started. If I did anything, I should relax and enjoy my time off. One professor told me to catch up on my leisure reading, "because you won't have time for it once school starts."

The upshot of all of this is that I have spent the last five months, since my return from Korea, doing very little. I got a job at the University of Georgia Main Library, and I have been working just enough to pay my bills. I have done a lot of leisure reading, hung out with friends, and in general just relaxed.

Despite all the fun I am having, I am anxious to start my first year at the University of Georgia Law School. I am sure in another five months I will look back enviously at this time, and properly recognize it as the calm before the storm.